Página de inicio » Centro América » Último recuento de casos confirmados de COVID-19 en América Latina y el Caribe al 15 de junio
El Salvador, San Salvador 5 June 2020
Amidst a country lockdown due to COVID-19, Tropical Storm Amanda hit El Salvador on May 31 causing considerable damage to main roads and infrastructure nationwide. Tropical Storm Amanda is estimated to be the most devastating weather disaster in El Salvador in 22 years since Hurricane Mitch in 1998. WFP estimates that 336,300 people located in the most affected areas by the storm are severely food insecure.
The COVID-19 emergency in El Salvador will further be aggravated due to the damages caused by Tropical Storm Amanda, increasing the number of families already in food insecurity and dire conditions. The country was already suffering a disruption of economic activities, inflation of food prices and significant reduction in remittances, meanwhile reaching almost three-months of lockdown to contain the spread of COVID-19. As a result, WFP is preparing to further scale-up its emergency operations to reach an additional 153,500 people over the next two months.

In the photo: Food distribution by WFP staff to families in a school that has been turned into a temporary shelter
Photo: WFP/David Fernandez

Último recuento de casos confirmados de COVID-19 en América Latina y el Caribe al 15 de junio


Las siguientes son las últimas actualizaciones sobre los casos confirmados, muertos y curados de COVID-19 en América Latina y el Caribe, según el recuento del Centro de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Sistemas de la Universidad Johns Hopkins a las 04:00 GMT del 15 de junio.

País                                     Casos confirmados     Muertos      Curados

Brasil                                         867.624                43.332        469.141

Perú                                           229.736                  6.688        115.579

Chile                                          174.293                  3.323        143.704

México                                      146.837                 17.141        107.298

Colombia                                     48.896                  1.670          19.640

Ecuador                                       46.751                   3.896         23.064

Argentina                                     31.577                     833            9.564

República Dominicana                 22.962                     592          13.320

Panamá                                        21.418                     437          13.766

Bolivia                                         18.459                     611            3.113

Guatemala                                    9.845                      384            1.886

Honduras                                      8.858                      312               967

Haití                                             4.165                        70                 24

El Salvador                                  3.720                        74             1.846

Venezuela                                    2.978                        25                835

Cuba                                            2.248                        84              1.948

Costa Rica                                   1.715                        12                752

Nicaragua                                    1.464                        55                953

Paraguay                                      1.289                        11                650

Uruguay                                          848                        23                788

Jamaica                                           617                        10                420

Surinam                                          208                          3                    9

Guyana                                           159                        12                  99

Trinidad y Tobago                          123                          8                109

Bahamas                                         103                        11                  68

Barbados                                         96                          7                   83

San Vicente y las Granadinas           27                           0                  25

Antigua y Barbuda                           26                           3                  20

Granada                                           23                           0                  22

Belice                                               20                           2                  16

Santa Lucía                                       19                          0                   18

Dominica                                          18                          0                   16

San Cristóbal y Nieves                      15                          0                   15

Total                                           1.647.137                79.629          929.758.

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